On January 26th, 2023, at 10am in our Performing Arts Center, Creshaw STEMM Magnet High School will honor ALL students with a GPA of 3.0 and higher. Parents are welcome to join us for the celebration.
El 26 de enero, 2023 a las 10 am en nuestro Centro de Artes Escénicas, la Escuela Secundaria Magnet Creshaw STEMM honrará a TODOS los estudiantes con un GPA de 3.0 o más. Los padres son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros para la celebración.
For those that were able to make it to our GATE Fall parent meeting, Thank You!
I appreciate you taking the time to ask questions and voice your concerns, there is no better advocate for your child than you! We here at Crenshaw STEMM Magnet High School, look forward to being your partner in your child's success. Here you will find the recording from our Fall Parent Meeting (It opens in another window and can be slow to load). Below you will find our Fall GATE newsletter with lots of resources for you and your child and the district spring enrichment virtual courses presented in the meeting. In addition there is the Gifted Academy for African American students which will be in person this Spring.
Should you have any questions about the GATE program, feel free to reach out to me Dr. Reyes (Magnet/GATE Coordinator) or Assistant Principal Paul (AP over Magnet & GATE).