Mission, Vision & ESLRs
Our mission is to empower all students with the college and career ready skills necessary to become productive citizens of a global society.
We will be recognized nationally as a model of collaboration among teachers, parents, administrators, and the community dedicated to maximizing the educational, social emotional development and civic engagement of its students. To this end, we will:
- Have shared school leadership at all levels which stresses mutual accountability, supports high quality, standards-based instruction and ongoing professional development for all stake holder groups.
- Reinforce collaboration through vertical articulation and transition planning that ensures seamless pathways of success across the Crenshaw High School family of feeder elementary and middle schools.
- Foster a culture of family and community engagement through our Parent Center, community outreach, and partnerships that promote student well-being, supports high academic achievement, provide additional resources, and extended learning opportunities.
By graduation Crenshaw High School students will be:
Proficient learners who:
1. Show continuous growth towards mastery of academic standards
2. Make meaningful connections between the curriculum and their career interests
3. Demonstrate an awareness of various college and career opportunities.
Responsible Citizens who:
1. Raise questions and actively pursue solutions and resources to resolve concerns
2. Actively participate in community service and civic support activities
3. Respect and appreciate a diverse and global society
Interactive Participants who:
1. Take pride in producing quality individual and group work
2. Actively engage in group discussions and structured learning groups
3. Contribute their strengths to a variety of collaborative endeavors
Decisive Problem Solvers who:
1. Use reasoning, planning, and evidence to support inferences made
2. Apply skills and concepts in other contexts
3. Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources
Effective Communicators who:
1. Read and discuss various texts reflectively and critically
2. Listen to and are respectful of differing points of views
3. Effectively support written ideas with details and examples