
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine (STEMM)
The Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine Pathway branches out to students interested in all areas of architecture, construction, engineering, computer and other technologies, drafting, robotics, electronics, aviation, medical, pharmaceutical, nursing and other allied health care.
Scholarships, field trips, internships specialized activities such as
  • Physics day at Magic Mountain
  • Real-Time Pilot lessons, and licensing
  • Be a Doctor for a day
  • UCLA MESA Day Contest
  • Engineering Competitions, and Video Game Wars
Electives courses include: Computer Animated Drafting, Aeronautics, Robotics, Computer Technology, Graphic Arts, Careers in Health Care; Environmental Science, Advanced and Refresher Math and Science Classes.
Building Engineering Careers Operating on Futures in Medicine Preparing Students for Technology Jobs that Don't Yet Exist!
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